The Disenfranchised

Weak social capital is a major factor in a high rate of abortion. Social capital loosely means the support systems that help a person overcome a problematic event.

Women who are already disadvantaged are more likely to feel they have no alternative to abortion when faced with a crisis pregnancy. Those who lack financial support depend more on family and community and are particularly vulnerable.

Family breakdown has been particularly prevalent in working class areas, leaving women with fewer support systems that would help them deal with an unplanned pregnancy. Margaret Sanger, founder of the billion-dollar abortion organisation, Planned Parenthood, was a racist who believed in using eugenics to control the poor. Her ideology continues to inform the organisation she founded, as evidenced by the disproportionate locating of abortion clinics in low-income communities in the United States, especially African-American communities.

In Britain, 98% of abortions are taxpayer-funded and 1 in 3 are repeat abortions [Department of Health Abortion statistics].

Now that the 8th has been repealed, and now that your money will be used to fund abortions, sadly there is no reason why Ireland will be any different. Without our laws protecting the most vulnerable, it is now up to each and every one of us to fight for life. Every single person born and unborn alike, has inherent dignity and value. This remains true even if it fails to be recognised by our laws or our society. A government that promotes abortion is an enemy of its own people.

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